Maybe at the end of the road I'll see the clean, tidy narrative. Maybe when I get to the end of it, I'll know whether I was the protagonist or the antagonist, the good guy or the bad guy, a comically and tragically flawed villian or a redeemable heroine. Maybe I'll see that I was a silly twit of a woman or an unsung siren, someone wildly shooting from the hip or a true gunslinger. A princess or a witch. The Preacher or the Marshall.

Friday, April 29, 2011

So you say...

So you say you don't know if I can keep up.


Keep up with what?

When I was 13 I saved my pennies and went to Scotland for the summer to hike and visit my ancestral castle.

I've been bitten by a rattle snake I caught with my own two hands that was warming itself on the black asphalt one summer day. I saw it and couldn't resist ant I grabbed its tail and it bit me and that caused my hand to swell up. We iced it but I didn't think it would be a problem but the skin around my thumb on my right hand has never been the same.

I once shot a flaming arrow out into a lake because I achieved my 9th Level of Archery. I, in general have excellent marksmanship and can even shoot clay pigeons and hit home runs either left handed or right handed.

There is a lake nearby fed by glacial run-off. The last two years on New Year's Day I have jumped in to that lake. Last year we had to break through the ice to do it. All for the love of symbolism and a cup of chili.

I am a 31-year old woman with only an Associates Degree. I have crawled my way up to stand among gray-haired, pot bellied men and I hold my own. I have earned almost $10 million in grant funds for my agency in the three years I have worked there. I have never relied on a man for health benefits or to pay my bills. I put myself through my two years of school with scholarships and elbow grease. I worked as a counselor in a psychiatric hospital. I talked down a two hundred pound killer and held the open neck wound of a suicidal drunk and I caught a child by his pant cuff from pulling a Peter Pan out the second story window.

I've slept under the stars in the Golan Heights.

I've snowmobiled at midnight to see the Aurora Borealis. I am a co-owner of a solvent entertainment/comedy troupe. I am the best and most natural stage actor in 100 miles. I have been the face of a commercial ad campaign. I was a paid radio news host and DJ.

I beat cancer.

I rocked your world.
I am the Zombie Huntress.

Yea. So you are willing to defile yourself and do more drugs and you think you can do better.

You think you've got something? You think YOU can hang?
Just because you can't handle the controls doesn't mean this baby can't make point five past lightspeed.

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